Prioritization Tool ( Guide )


Template Type:

  • Analytics
  • Barriers
  • Business Reviews
  • Business Intelligence
  • Competitive Evaluation
  • Competitive Intelligence


  • Strategic Tool


User License Agreement

Reference Number:



Benefits of using this PPT prioritization tool 
  • List of Options or Criteria:Identify and list the various options or criteria that need to be evaluated.
  • Weighting:Assign weights to each option or criterion based on its relative importance. The weights reflect the impact or priority of each element in the decision-making process.
  • Scoring:Develop a scoring system to assess each option against each criterion. This could be a numerical scale or a set of qualitative descriptors.
  • Calculation:Multiply the scores by the assigned weights to calculate a total score for each option. This provides a quantitative measure of the overall performance of each option.
  • Visual Representation:Present the results in a matrix format, often using a table or grid. This allows for a clear visual comparison of the options and their scores.
  • Decision Making:Use the prioritization matrix to facilitate decision-making. The option with the highest total score is generally considered the most favorable or prioritized.

The prioritization matrix is a versatile tool and can be applied in various contexts, such as project selection, vendor evaluation, product development, risk management, and more. It offers a structured and transparent approach to decision-making, particularly when there are multiple factors to consider and when subjective judgments need to be made.