Business Canvas - Marketing Strategy


Template Type:

  • Analytics
  • Business Reviews
  • Business Intelligence
  • Competitive Evaluation
  • Marketing
  • Management Summary
  • Strategic Analysis


  • Strategic Tool


User License Agreement

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Measures that drive performance
  • What is the vision for the marketing strategy, what does this marketing strategy address and aim to gain?
  • What is the mission of the marketing strategy, what are the key salient points it address in achieving its objective and does it align well with the strategic plan?
  • Market Size – do we have a estimation of the market size in total and the addressable market size in particular
  • Competitors – who are our competitors and what share do they have in the addressable market 
  • Segments – what are the key segments where we plan to market and what is the relative size and share of these segments
  • Advantage – What are the key advantages we bring to the market, why would we have an edge to convert customers
  • Customer Persona – what is the typical customer persona or profile we are targeting? And where are they?
  • Gains – What do we expect to gain from this? In Share, Revenue, Income and above all long-term strategy
Your Concern.

Summarizing my marketing strategy in a reflective manner.

How will this tool benefit you?
  1. Using a business canvas allows you to weight the more important factors
  2. Using this tool elevates team capability and clarity of decision making.
  3. Use of this tool will enable a solid background for any planning process
Key Benefits
  • Ready to use formats and classifications
  • Save 2 hours on formatting, fixing, and alignment /sandboxing time
  • Saves many hours of understanding what is needed, use our well-rounded expertise and experience 
  • Saves many hours searching for comphrensive information
  • The tool allows you to set up key descriptors and assign data for strategic alignment which allows you to clarify your strategy and achievements on an ongoing basis.