Product Life Cycle


Template Type:

  • Market Analysis
  • Product Development
  • Product Life Cycle


  • Content Module


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The PLC has an absolute reference point in today’s business world because the PLC is changing rapidly and different categories of products have different PLC’s while looking at the PLC its also relevant to look at the market, both run in parallel cycles but all the signs are out there for interpretation.

In this module we cover
  • Solutions for productivity challenges
  • Legitimate Criticism
  • Product Life Cycle
  • PLC 4 Stages Diagram
  • PLC 4 Stages
  • Product Development Stage
  • Product development + 4 stages
  • PLC Influence in pricing
  • PLC 5X4
  • PLC & Product Portfolio
  • PLC Matrix
  • PLC Expansion Matrix
  • PLC Sales & Marketing Characteristics
  • Marketing implication on the PLC
  • Objectives and Strategies
  • Competitive advantage sources
  • Planning for possibilities
  • Barriers
  • Leaders and followers
  • Late growth
  • Leaders & Followers (maturity)
  • Increase product use
  • Concentrated market leaders
  • Maturity
  • Fragmented markets
  • Decline

This Model Contains
  1. Slides 37
  2. Templates 8
  3. Best Practices 10

Short ID

The PLC module covers the Product life cycle across its 4 stages and has many templates and best practices to explain the life cycle of products.