

Template Type:

  • Market Segmentation
  • Marketing Comms
  • Product Development
  • Segmentation
  • Marketing Plans


  • Content Module


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In this module of Segmentation, we use real examples and tools to make the process of your segmentation journey clearer and actionable. We cover 25 different areas of segmentation for you to understand and effectively use in your business and become more productive

Most brand owners spend a lot of effort to start the marketing and sales process, spending a little effort earlier in the planning cycle will help focus efforts into meaningful areas and position the product or solution as optimally as they can, in this module we give you insights into how a product is segmented and the elements of how-to segment a product or service market
We have more than 31 slides of action material for you to understand, work on and use in your roles
In this module we cover

  • Segmentation Quote
  • Rating and Segments
  • Basic levers of positioning
  • Segmentation characteristics and verification
  • Segmentation by variables
  • Segmentation matrix
  • Prioritization matrix
  • STP Methodology
  • Segmentation using market research
  • Steps in segmentation
  • Core of market segmentation
  • Segmentation difficulties
  • Defining markets
  • Segment A & C
  • Segmentation rules
  • Socio economic classification
  • Competitive strength evaluation
  • Defining markets
  • Defining markets – Example
  • High level market segmentation
  • Segmentation mind map
  • Segmentation Criteria
  • Assessment

This Model Contains

  • Slides 37
  • Templates 8
  • Best Practices 10

Short ID

The segmentation module covers the importance of segmentation. Knowing your consumer takes a sizeable amount of effort, once you have defined your customer you may have just saved yourself a large amount of Marketing spend, however getting to know your customer is a long route and takes a good mix of research, analytics , database mining, customer engagement and above all constant communication

Authors NOTE
All our content modules are based on the best practice examples gathered from the many experiences across the top companies we have executed these very same principles for your benefit. Our goal is to improve the knowledge and working life of individuals with great emphasis on Knowledge and productivity through application. All our content is proprietary, and you are welcome to either use it in your material or use it as is and reference the credits to our brand. As a show of good faith and learning and development we have made our files editable