Sales Training Module 1 - Introduction to Sales Calls


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  • Soft Skills
  • Training


  • Content Module


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A sales call is a pivotal activity within the sales process where a sales representative reaches out to potential or existing customers with the primary goal of promoting and selling a product or service. These interactions can take place over the phone, through video conferencing, or in-person, depending on the circumstances and preferences of both parties. The sales call allows the representative to directly communicate the benefits and features of their offerings, address any questions or concerns the customer might have, and attempt to close a sale or advance the sales process. This direct communication is crucial for building relationships with customers, understanding their needs, and tailoring the sales approach to meet those needs effectively.

These are the  5 topics covered under Module 1 

70741 Introduction to Sales Calls
70742 Preparation for Sales Calls
70743 Opening the Call
70744 Presenting Value
70745 Closing the Call