Sales Training Negotiation Module 2 - Introduction


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  • Soft Skills
  • Training


  • Content Module


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Negotiation in sales is a critical process where the salesperson and the customer engage in discussions to finalize the terms of a deal that is advantageous for both parties. This process requires a strategic balance of assertiveness and flexibility, as the salesperson must understand and respect the customer's needs and limitations while also ensuring the deal remains profitable and sustainable for their company. Effective negotiation involves clear communication, the use of persuasive techniques, and sometimes concessions, such as discounts or additional services, to create a compelling offer. The goal is to build a long-term relationship by establishing trust and satisfaction, ensuring both the customer feels valued and the sales objectives are met.

These are the 5 topics covered under Module 2 

70837 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Introduction
70838 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Preparation
70839 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Techniques
70840 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Handling Objections
70841 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Closing