Sales Training Negotiation Module 2 - Negotiation Techniques


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  • Soft Skills
  • Training


  • Content Module


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Negotiation techniques in sales involve a blend of communication skills, strategic thinking, and psychological insights. Active listening is critical, as it helps the negotiator understand the underlying needs and priorities of the customer, enabling them to tailor their proposals accordingly. Clear and assertive communication is necessary to articulate the value of the offer and the benefits to the customer, ensuring that the core messages are understood and appreciated. Strategically planning concessions, like discounts or service enhancements, can also play a vital role, used judiciously to overcome sticking points in the negotiation. Moreover, maintaining a flexible yet firm approach on crucial issues helps in crafting a deal that appears fair and satisfactory to all parties involved, facilitating a successful negotiation outcome.

These are the 5 topics covered under Module 2 

70837 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Introduction
70838 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Preparation
70839 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Techniques
70840 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Handling Objections
70841 Sales Training - Negotiation Module 1 - Closing