Sales Training Pricing Strategies Module 4 - Psychological Pricing Tactics


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  • Soft Skills
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Psychological pricing tactics leverage human psychology to influence purchasing decisions by making prices appear lower than they are, such as setting them just below a round number (e.g., $9.99 instead of $10). This technique creates an illusion of better value. Other tactics include using smaller font sizes for prices to make them seem less significant and creating urgency with limited-time offers or scarcity cues to encourage quick purchases. These strategies aim to enhance perceived value, stimulate impulse buying, and ultimately boost sales.

We cover 5 full Modules , with many smaller embedded modules covered under Communicating price and value, these are the 5 major modules in Pricing strategies 

70843 Understanding Pricing Models
70844 Communicating Price and Value
70845 Discounts and Promotions
70846 Negotiating Price
70847 Psychological Pricing Tactics