Segmentation Targeting Positioning


Template Type:

  • Segmentation


  • Templates


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Sure, here's a concise summary of the three steps in the Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) process:

  1. Segmentation:

    • Identify and analyze market segments based on demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral factors.
    • Group consumers with similar needs, preferences, or characteristics into distinct segments.
    • Evaluate segment attractiveness and select the most viable segments for targeting.
  2. Targeting:

    • Select specific target market segments that align with the company's goals and resources.
    • Develop clear positioning strategies to communicate the unique value proposition to each target segment.
    • Allocate resources effectively to reach and engage the selected target segments through tailored marketing efforts.
  3. Positioning:

    • Define the desired positioning of the company's products or services relative to competitors in the minds of target consumers.
    • Craft compelling value propositions that highlight the unique benefits and advantages offered by the company's offerings.
    • Develop consistent brand messaging and communication strategies to convey the positioning effectively across various channels.